S4:E7 – The Fragrance of the Blessed Realm

The Fragrance of the Blessed Realm by Matthew Clark | One Thousand Words https://www.matthewclark.net/mcwordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/OTW_S4-E7-The-Fragrance-of-the-Blessed-Realm.mp3 WILD THINGS AND CASTLES IN THE SKY: A GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST BOOKS FOR...

S4:E6 – Amelia Freidline, What is Poetry for?

What is poetry for? by Amelia Friedline | One Thousand Words https://www.matthewclark.net/mcwordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/OTW_S4-E6-Amelia-Friedline_what-is-poetry-for.mp3 Visit Amelia's website "Innocence Abroad" Go to InnocenceAbroad.com   What is Poetry...

S4:E5 – What superabundance affords us

What superabundance affords us by Matthew Clark | One Thousand Words https://www.matthewclark.net/mcwordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/OTW_S4-E5-What-Superabundance-Affords-Us.mp3 I heard a story about some college roommates that imposed a small fine every time one...

S4:E4 – Like a tree planted by the streams

Like a tree planted by the streams by Matthew Clark | One Thousand Words https://www.matthewclark.net/mcwordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/OTW_S4-E4-Like-a-tree-planted-by-the-streams.mp3 Every morning at breakfast, I look out the kitchen window upon a most dismal...

S4:E3 – Why is it so hard to apologize?

Why is it so hard to apologize? by Matthew Clark | One Thousand Words https://www.matthewclark.net/mcwordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/OTW_S4-E3-Why-is-it-so-hard-to-apologize.mp3 One of my favorite things is to hang out with my friends who have families. Some of...

S4:E2 – Open System/Closed System: Welcoming New Hope

Open System/Closed System: Welcoming New Hope by Matthew Clark | One Thousand Words https://www.matthewclark.net/mcwordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/OTW_S4-E2-Open-SystemClosed-System-Welcoming-New-Hope.mp3 I don’t think I was tall enough to even reach the stovetop...

S4:E1 – The Furious Love Song of a Dying Man

The Furious Love Song of a Dying Man by Matthew Clark | One Thousand Words https://www.matthewclark.net/mcwordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/OTW_S4-E1-The-furious-love-song-of-a-dying-man.mp3 Can you guess what one of the very last things is that Moses does before...

S3:E30 – Season 3 Finale: The Light of a Face

The Light of a Face by Matthew Clark | One Thousand Words https://www.matthewclark.net/mcwordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/OTW_S3-E30-The-Light-of-a-Face.mp3   ….Christ plays in ten thousand places,  Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his  To the Father...

S3:E29 – Maribeth Barber, The Defiance of Laughter

Maribeth Barber “I’m a small-town Southerner captivated by the tales of underdogs, homebodies, and royalty. When I’m not blogging or writing novels, I’m reading, gardening, and collecting figurines of my favorite fictional characters on my family’s hobby farm in...

S3:E28 – Erling Rantrud, There Was a Garden

Erling Rantrud Instagram: @erling.rantrud Website: www.underfikentreet.no “I have always loved all growing things. From the tallest trees to the smallest mosses to the sea weed in the fjords. And if I can spot a squirrel, a frog, or a porpoise amongst the...

S3:E27 – Showing Up in Spirit and Truth

Showing Up in Spirit and Truth by Matthew Clark | One Thousand Words https://www.matthewclark.net/mcwordpress/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/OTW_S3-E27-Showing-up-in-Spirit-and-Truth.mp3   There are plenty of very uncomfortable things in the Bible, and it can be hard to...