Singer/Songwriter/Storyteller Matthew Clark and guests share weekly essays glimpsing truth, beauty, and goodness along the way of pilgrimage toward God.




S2:E6 – The Scholar’s Call: Sharing the Treasure

A very special welcome to my friend Erin Turner, our guest host this week! In a world of commodification and utility, it’s easy to lose our humanity. Erin will be talking about how she’s come to discover the riches of being called to a kind of work than can feel ‘unuseful’, and she’ll share with us some of the treasures of a George Herbert poem, “The Forerunners”.

S2:E5 – The Daffodils

I visited my parents last week, and spent a good bit of time out at our farm. So, this week, I’ll share some reflections on place, memory, planting and hope. When you talk about that stuff you have to end with a Wendell Berry poem, so we shall.

S2:E4 – Actual or Simulated Atonement?

There are so many ways we, as hurting humans, try to put the broken pieces of life back together, but we never can quite pull it off. Still, even though our ways of coping don’t ultimately work, maybe they are our best effort at simulating the healing that Jesus’s work on the cross supplies in reality? This is an idea that fascinates me, and this week, I’ll feel my way around it some.

S2:E3 – You belong in this Story

“Story” has been a buzzword the last few years, maybe, in part, because our sense of being in God’s story has been lost and we’re looking for a way to contextualize our lives meaningfully. This week, I’ll be thinking about the stories we believe, as well as, how, as humans, we are called to be storytellers/artists, and co-storytellers with God. I’ll close with a favorite passage from good ole G.K. Chesterton for good measure.

S2:E2 – Anxiety and Sharing in Christ’s Sufferings

Lewis said anxiety is an affliction and a way to feel with Jesus his pain, not a sin. This week, I’m thinking a little about that idea, and closing the episode with a reading of and Oliver Wendell Holmes hymn “O Love Divine, that stooped to share.”

S2:E1 – Good Words

Welcome to Season Two! This week we’ll look at how good words help us participate more truly in reality. And I’m very happy to have Poet/Priest Malcolm Guite close this episode with a reading of his poem “Spell” from his book “The Singing Bowl”.

S1:E23 – Being Beautifully Unuseful to God

Wendell Berry says that every day we should “do something that won’t compute”. In this episode, I’ll talk about how certain practices help us keep a hold on what Josef Pieper calls “true riches” in a world that tends to reduce life to mere utility, valuing only usefulness, and I’ll end by reading a Wendell Berry poem.

S1:E22 – Making Envy Scarce

This week, I’ll explore how envy teaches me to fear, keeps me from growing, and makes wonder impossible. And I’ll talk about a hopeful alternative. Then, I’ll close with a One Thousand Words exclusive performance of an original song.

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S1:E21 – What is a house concert for?

After a June break, here’s a new episode about my favorite habitat for sharing songs and stories – the house concert. I’ll talk about what this special kind of concert means to me, and close by sharing a new poem.

Relevant links this week:

S1:E20 – At The Table With Friends

My friends Abbye and Jeff were in town this weekend, and I was reminded of what a deep gift friendship is. This week, I’ll explore how friends ignite our own hearts, how being made in the image of a triune God gives a family-shape to our destiny, and, obviously, a bit about… horcruxes? Yeah.

Show notes and links on the homepage:


12 + 6 =


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